Very nice lodging and meals for hunters with hunts over over $5,000 are available at a reduced rate. Additional guests are charged per person per night.
126" up to 150 "------------- $ 3,000
151" - 199" ----------------- $ 4,000
200"- 250" ---------------- $ 4,500
251"- 300" ----------------- $ 5,500
301"- 350" ----------------- $7,500
351"- 375_ " ---------------- $9,500
376"- 399_ " --------------- $10,500
400"- 425" ---------------- $ 16,500
426"- 450" ---------------- $ 18,500
451"- 499" ---------------- $ 21,000
500" plus-----------------$25,000
Red Hind ---------------- $ 1,250
"Hind's only available with Trophy Hunt"
This is a general price list. Some animals may be reduced at the ranch. Exceptional animals may be priced at a higher rate.